Looking for the perfect gift to brighten someone’s day?
Our lavender flower gift bouquet is just what you need.
Handmade with love and care, each flower is intricately crocheted to create a stunning and unique arrangement. The bouquet features a beautiful combination of light purple and dark purple flowers, adding a touch of elegance and charm.
Lavender, known for its calming and soothing properties, makes this gift not only visually appealing but also a thoughtful choice for someone who could use a little relaxation. To add an extra special touch, the bouquet is wrapped in kraft paper, giving it a rustic and natural look. The simplicity of the wrapping allows the vibrant colors of the flowers to stand out, making it a truly eye-catching gift.
Available in many colors, inform us what color you like in the comment box.
comes wrapped in kraft paper as a bouquet, with cute ribbon.
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